To Whom It May Concern

1 Conversation

My Dad

Earth, early 2003

Dear Sir or Madam,

You may be aware of an alternative guide to the universe, a weekly column in the
h2g2 POST called CAC. You may not be aware of its long history, beginning as the Alternative Galaxy Guide / Galactic Anomalies Group or AGG/GAG .

As one of the founding fodders of AggGag, dedicated to promoting the lost, forlorn and undiscovered gems scattered round this site, I was morally obliged to refrain from choosing, promoting or linking to any of my own writing as an AggGag Featured Entry. We published 42 issues and featured 154 Entries by 119 other researchers.

Those efforts continue as The Committee for Alien Content or CAC dedicated to the same core mission of finding lost sheep. And I still feel the same editorial restraint whenever it is my turn to edit the CAC page. But here, yes right here, where it's of no concern to anyone but me, I feel free to offer the following composition.

It is a rare thing for a full moon and the sun to appear in the sky at the same time, hugely, like giant pizzas on opposite horizons. On two occasions I was startled out of my senses sufficiently to know that poetry would be my one hope of ever sharing the unearthly joy of the experience.


Dawn, Summer Solstice, 1984

At dawn, the rising sun jumped up and caught

me running away from the moon.

For a moment we all just sat there surprised

and considering our relationship; the moon,

the sun, the earth and I. And the moment

could have lasted forever but I suddenly

remembered I was on a motorcycle; and the moon

realised she was too full, too heavy from a long

night, to resist falling asleep in the hills, as

the earthmists rose to greet the morning rays,

Sunset, Winter Solstice, 2002

The full moon just tapped me on the shoulder

as I chased the sun to the horizon; reminding me

of an all night promise so many summers ago.

"There is no West for the wicked!", she said.

So I turned, and together we tucked the

setting sun into bed.

smiley - peacedove

My Mom
I remain your most loyal and least dutiful savant,

To Whom It May Concern

27.03.03 Front Page

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