The Island of Shadows

8 Conversations

The South

The cove

The island is some what large, the foliage looking both alive and dead. Wild animals roam the island freely. The docks are at the south side of the island, in the cove. The Cove of the Crescent Moon is the only portion of the island that is accessable by the sea. From the Docks, on can reach:

  • Creachy's Mansion
  • Mystrunner's Island
  • As one heads north one finds the way impassable. Mount Gilmordae A massive vocano, Mount Gilmordae, blocks the path with jagged rocks and massive fissures on its west slope and lakes of lava and tar on its east.

    The East

    Sticking near the coast, one can reach the north side of the island by walking around the mountain. Between the mountain and sea on the west is the Great Platau, barran land that is most uninhabitable.

    The West

    the desert

    On the west side, between the mountain and the coast is the Dark Moor, and then the Desert, that stretches until it meats the jungle of the north side.

    The North

    Here is the only inhabited region of the island. Most of the north portion is covered in the Jungle, thick and nearly impenetrable. Any pathes cut into the jungle are gone by the next day. There is black marble pyramid on the point farthest north on the island. A mote surrounds the pyramid and the land directly around it. Between the pyramid and mote is a moor that is dotted with small utilitarian buildings and huts. The only way to cross the mote is by the Causeway. The causeway The side of the causeway that is closest to the pyramid has numerous Tesla Coils, Prism Towers, and Oblisks of Light to protect it.

    The Pyramid

    The pyramid is some what large, made of black Chiss stone. Its only enterence is through its front door.

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