3 Conversations


A graveyard

About 5 miles off the commercial straight lies a patch of sea infamous for it's strong currents and unpredictable winds. Due to these naturally occurring weather phenomenoms the area, which is approximately 50 square miles, has become a hot spot for storms!

Near the centre of this is an island. It is 12 miles wide and 15 miles long. Due to the dangerous journey involved getting here, and the lost lives of many who have tried, it has become known as dead mans paradise. It is unlikely anyone will ever disturb you here. You hope!

The only way to approach the island, if ever you want, is from the south, coming off the commercial straight. All other sides are too rocky and the current would smash your boat up. The island is a mass of trees so by air you would have nowhere to land.

The natural navigation you would take leads you into a horse shoe bay. There is a pebbled beach strip immediatley backdropped by trees. After laying anchor close to shore, so as to avoid the currents, you would have to row in.
You notice a path leading into the forest. As this appears to be the only route, you take it.

The path leads you up a gentle incline through dense, dark forests. The incline begins to grow steeper and rockier underfoot. Strange noises are coming from the forest. Animals? Monsters? You begin to get nervous as you become aware someone is following you and knowing the legend of the witches that dwell here you quicken your step!

A Witch

Finally you emerge from the trees to be faced immediatley by the darkest, dankest most evil looking mansion you could ever dream of. In the distance you hear the howl of a wolf, or is it just werekitty? A twig snaps in the forest behind you. Someone screams and you can't quite make out where from. Do you turn back and go the way you came, through the dark, dangerous forest and visit Mystrunners Island ? Or do you go forth into the mansion? The choice is yours mwahahahahahaha...........

A wolfDeath browses the Obituaries page

...........if you took the cowardly choice and ran for it back down the path you may have just had a bit of luck. 20 yards down to your right you notice a path you overlooked in your rush before. In blind panic you decide for some unknown reason to go down it. It is darker, with a mist covering the ground, and it is silent. For some reason this worries you more than the sounds of the forest. After 5 minutes of stuttered running you emerge from the trees to find yourself at the edge of the island at the top of a rather steep cliff! Just to the right of you is a rather rickety bridge. You can hear it creaking in the breeze. You decide to turn back and risk your life no more, but find yourself confronted by 2 witches! they are extending their clawed hands to grasp at your hair and run on to the bridge.

the bridge also has a mist surrounding it but thankfully the witches have gone. you walk slow so as to minimise the risk of the bridge collapsing. Slowly you notice a change to it's structure, it seems more solid and the mist is clearing. The old dark brown moulding wood is turning white. You realise you must be entering Mystrunners Island or you could just hop, skip and jump right over that and visit The Island Of Shadows

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