smile revolution! - a smile is contagiousness!

6 Conversations

smiley - peacedove 
smiley - peacesign 
people for peace!
smiley - peacesign 
smiley - peacedove

h2g2 friends of Tibet

meme webguide
faranani for solidarity


everyone is unique, equal and beautifull
welcome to smiley - revolution!
smiley - revolution!

people need to smiley - more!

feel the contagiousness of a smiley -
a friendly smiley - can make some ones day better.

a smiley - can lead to chain reaction of smiley - smiley - smiley - .

to smiley - is a peacefull action.
how can you help?
smiley - to some one today.

add smiley - A999543 to posting in a thread.

spread the word.
read about smiley -

a wonderful poem Smile by Vicki Virago
a highly inspiring and recommended h2g2 article Smiling by B'Elana
you are wonderful smiley - and I smiley - to hear of you!
smiley - smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley - smiley - smiley -
smiley - smiley - smiley -

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