Created | Updated Mar 15, 2003
Well, lets be honest, its been far too long since the last Scottish Researchers Meet-Up, so here we are - ScReAM1 For all Scottish Researchers and other odd people alike!
Current Plans2
Who? - Anyone who can come. The list of those victims, erm, I mean attendees, can be found below...
What? - People coming together, and generally leaving for their homes in a slightly inebriated state...
Why? - Why not???
Where? - Edinburgh. The Standing Order, George Street. Anything more detailed at this stage would just be asking for trouble!
When? - 5th of April seems to be the agreed date at this time. And Croz *has* bought his tickets...
How? - Come any way you can: train, plane, boat, car, foot, hitch a lift... Just so long as you get there!
So, the all-important question. Who is coming?? The following people have expressed a desire to turn up and get slightly . Click here, or start a conversation below to add your name to the list!
- U211272
- U96736
- U104826
- U173458
- U188330
- U40285
- U137089
- U183316
- U55447
- U166140
- U204689
- U170714
- U188287
- U208464
- U178076
- U37312
- U181271