The Vogons

46 Conversations

Hello, would you like to join the Vogons? If so, please post below!

The Vogons are a group of beings who write dreadful poetry. If you join, then you might like to write some of this *fine* poetry, and post it to Deadelvis.

smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grrYou may also join "The Elite Vogons". To do so, you must be awarded all the following ranks (exception; ME! As I am the ruler!):


smiley - smiley=Promoter. To gain this this rank, you must promote the vogons in two ways and prove it (i.e. A link).

smiley - alienfrown=Vogon Poet. To gain this you must write a piece of Vogon poetry, above 50 words, and be approved by me.

smiley - aliensmile =Vogon warrior. To get this, you need to join.

smiley - spork =Vogon warspork. To get this you have to join the Sporkites!

Member ranks

Deadelvis-smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grr

Stealth Kam- smiley - aliensmilesmiley - alienfrown

2legs- smiley - aliensmilesmiley - sporksmiley - alienfrown

Atari-smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grr

Atari and Deadelvis- smiley - aliensmilesmiley - spork

Kess- smiley - aliensmilesmiley - sporksmiley - alienfrown

Utter Bewilderment- smiley - aliensmilesmiley - sporksmiley - alienfrown

Darth Zaphod- smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grr

Deus ex Machina-smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grr

Tabitca-smiley - aliensmilesmiley - sporksmiley - alienfrown

Lampost-of-the-bablefish-smiley - aliensmile

Wonko the insane-smiley - aliensmilesmiley - spork

Zarkin fardwarks-smiley - aliensmile

Paulithan-smiley - aliensmile

Werm86-smiley - aliensmilesmiley - spork

Werekitty-SMILEY TYPE=smiley - grrsmiley - earthsmiley - grr


Are you an elite vogon? If so, go to the Elite Vogon Corner!

Or are you a lowly poet? If so, go to the Vogon Poets Corner!

Application form

I want to join The Vogons!::

Members list

The Vogons!DeadelvisStealth Kam2legsAtariAtari and DeadelvisKessUtter BewildermentDarth ZaphodDeus ex MachinaTabitcaLampost-of-the-bablefishWonko the insaneZarkin FardwarksWerm86Werekitty

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