A Conversation for Bad Habits and How to Stop Them

female - seats down!

Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Proper would be all lids down on the toliet so that each person lifts the apropriate number of lids for their personal use and closes ALL of them after use.smiley - devilWhy else would there be a lid?smiley - erm
smiley - disco

female - seats down!

Post 2


I agree. I never could figure out what was all the fuss about leaving the seat up or down since I had been taught that good manners was to leave the lid down.

And it prevents stuff from falling into the bowl, too smiley - winkeye

female - seats down!

Post 3


And prevents the toilet splashing onto your toothbrush when you flush... it can splash an awful long way, you know...

smiley - panda

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