A Conversation for Doctor Who: Evolution of a Title Sequence

Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 1

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Nice one Jimster! Two comments- might be worthwhile noting that the source of the original feedback for the Hartnel squence is a pen torch, and also, the unused Pertwee squences, including the three-quarter body shot, saw the light of day sometime before the DVD release- they are all included in the 'Pertwee Years' tape, released 1992 smiley - geek. Sorry.

smiley - ale

Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 2

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Yep, knew about the Pertwee years thing (although that was a slightly different black and white test piece) but as the Pertwee years is long-since deleted I thought it'd be better to go for the more easily obtained reference.

I'd missed the pen-torch thing, which I'll go and add straight away - not at all geeky (could I *ever* accuse you of that after this entry??). Glad you liked it smiley - smiley


Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 3


Well here's a really geeky correction (seeing as I'm in that mood) - I believe you've deprived Oliver Elmes of an 'e'...

Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 4

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Far be it for me to deprive a fine man of such an important letter.

Hey, d'you remember that shady muppet on Sesame Street that used to sell letters to the others? Isn't it funny they don't let him sell the letter E any more...

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Post 5


smiley - laugh

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Post 6


Has anyone seen the aborted titles on the Ark In Space DVD? It starts off silently with a symmetrical slit scan tunnel and the TARDIS moving towards the camera, THEN the music kicks in and the starfield opening shots from Pertwees final season titles begin. Very peculiar.smiley - erm

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Post 7

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Yep, I've seen it, and I can see why it was dropped! Veiwers would think the BBC was 'experiencing technical difficulties' smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

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Post 8

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I understand that the footage on the DVD was test footage and not necessarily how the finished graphics would have been intended to look. The music was dubbed on afterwards by the Restoration team to give an impression of how it might have been, which is why the music doesn't match on the DVD. I still think the slit-scan sequences stand up well today. Really like the sense of movement through the dimensions you get with this, something that was lacking with the later space-focused ones.

I take it you've seen the similar test footage of the Hitch-hiker's title sequence that steals a section from the Tom Baker time-tunnel graphics? You can find it hidden away on disc two of the HHGTTG DVD.


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Post 9


i have that!smiley - biggrin

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Post 10


Same here! I recently aquired the DVD and was cockahoop when I discovered the Easter Egg! I showed it to the missus, who was clearly unimpressed with such a piddling little Easter Egg, and thought the vertical scratch on the film footage was the kirby wire holding the spaceman up! My friend (another Doctor Who fan, but not Hitchhiker oddly) was quite taken with the footage.

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Post 11


Thank you for spelling Davison right *laff*


Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 12

Smij - Formerly Jimster

When Tom Baker's replacement was first announced, my mum got confused and told me it was British stand-up comedian Jim Davidson.

There were a few worried hours in our house that day, I can tell you. smiley - yikes

Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 13

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

smiley - ill What a terrible, terrible thought

smiley - ale

Congratulations- and an extremely geeky correction

Post 14


Oh yes,
scary, though he could have been the 5th Doctor's brother...ugh! I remember being amazed that Tristan the vet was going to be piloting the TARDIS. I think I was also hoping he wouldn't crash into anything either (remembering Tristan's driving record from All Creatures Great and Small),


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