Adventurous Reporting
If you are enjoying May so far, you aren't anywhere near the Post Office. We had a week's worth of lovely spring weather – in late April. Then things turned nasty. Since then, it's been cold, with rain, a few snowflakes, sleet, hail, you name it. Bah, humbug. Not fun. Such is Pennsylvania. Elsewhere, though, spring is busting out all over. Sheep are gambolling, and SashaQ is photographing and videoing the gambolling sheep and new baby lambs. You're sure to go 'aw…' and such.
FWR is complaining about the menacing cows in his neighbour's field. They are looking at him, and he doesn't like it. He's going on vacation to get away from them. But he's left us some photos to enjoy.
Woolly Mammoth sends greetings from Cramond Island, and has a new dog. Paigetheoracle continues his fruitless attempt to capture an image of the elusive Scottish dabchick. I'm beginning to doubt this thing exists.
Meanwhile, in autumnal South Africa, Willem and his intrepid herpetologist friends have been chasing lizards and snakes. You get a photo report you're sure to enjoy.
I do have some wildlife news for you. Did you know that bumblebees take naps? I spied on one and caught it napping in my long grass. (My grass is long because it will not stop raining/sleeting/etc long enough for the lawnmower guy to do anything about it.) So we have some Original Research going on in these pages.
Has time ever stopped for you? Tell Create about it this month. Send in your experiences.
There's cinema, humour, and lots of fiction in this issue. The fiction is getting really exciting. Can it be that mysteries will be resolved before this is all finished? Could be. Will there be excitement, adventure, and really wild things, or just more funny robots? Tune in and see.
Read, enjoy, share. Have a good week out there, and remember to dress appropriately for whatever you're doing and wherever you're doing it. Peace, friends.
 | Write the Post at: postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com Tweet at the Post and Edited Guide: @h2g2_Guide |
Quote of the Week: Once upon a time (or that's what my mum tells) my father parked his car up on a mountain and a cow sat on it. It was a VW beetle (in the 70s).
– Tavaron