Created | Updated Mar 28, 2004
You duck around a corner, and into a smaller side road. Here the crowds are less prevalent, but the people appear more dangerous. Small shops and stalls dot the sides of the road. Racks upon racks of goods, from assault rifles to sharpened katanas are visible inside store windows.
A flickering wall sign lists the legalized shops, which is certainly not all of them. A notice underneath directs new enterprenuers to the MJ12 building for authorization. The sign has been heavily defaced. A small, wirey man shuffles by, shouting, "Sausages! Inna Bun!"
Behind you, the Cirque de Lune glows.
Please Select A BusinessAssassin's Dagger, TheEuan's Heilan Pulp Mill and AsylumFour Dimensional Bookstore, TheGranny's Craft And Health EmporiumHell and Heavy Weapons