A Conversation for 'I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas' - the Song
I had no idea this song had been so phenomenally successful
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Dec 21, 2020
I like zany Christmas songs - see the humorous segment of my "Favorite Carols" link on my P.S.
I remember the early 1970s, when I was living in a rooming house near Boston (Mass.), and I discovered a Saturday night comedy radio show called "WCRB Saturday Night." It played "I'm walking backwards for Christmas" a few times, and I loved it.
As I said at the outset, I love zany Christmas songs. Even if they consist of dogs barking "Jingle bells."
I also love Harry Secombe on the strength of his singing of "Pickwick" and "Oliver." What a pity that contractual matters prevented him form singing in "The Goon Show."\
Life is unfair sometimes, as we all know.....
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I had no idea this song had been so phenomenally successful
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