A Conversation for 'I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas' - the Song
Geldray's horn
Recumbentman Started conversation Jan 12, 2021
Curious to see Max Geldray described as "the world's first jazz harmonica player".
Larry Adler was born two years before Geldray and started playing professionally at 14. He became associated with the classical side of the street, but one of his big hits was Gershwin's "Summertime" which, OK, began life in the opera Porgy and Bess but has since become a jazz standard.
Geldray's horn
Bluebottle Posted Jan 13, 2021
''s first jazz harmonica player' wasn't something I made up but is a title that was often applied to him throughout his life and featured notably in his obituaries, for example:
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Geldray's horn
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