The h2g2 Post: 27.08.18

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 27th August 2018

Brand New Key

A brand new key

Nature is about to change keys, folks. The end of summer is upon us. Ripening crops are everywhere in the northern hemisphere. Kids are headed back to school – reluctantly and hopefully. Reluctantly, as they say goodbye to summer fun, but hopefully, too, as they look forward to new friends, new skills, new activities, new memories. The Hoggett brigade are polishing up the brass instruments (band camp was a couple of weeks ago) and telling the kittehs that no, they can't come to school (the kittehs don't care). The Post Editor is practising for the Labor Day concert in the park, and hoping it doesn't rain on the electronic keyboard.

The Create Team wants your take on September's bounty: what do you know about sowing and reaping? Do you have any good anecdotes or agricultural miracles to share with us? We want to know.

This week's issue is just full of fascinating things that you didn't know you wanted to know. You're going to enjoy this. Let us enumerate some of the treasures herein contained:
Molly the Editorial Assistant Kitty stealing the Post Editor's chair
  • As the South African winter comes to a close, Willem is looking forward to spring. But he takes time to show us another gallery of exotic creatures from the distant past. Wonder and learn about the Dinocephalians. Are you really into palaeo Stuff? Then you're going to be interested in Robbie Stamp's cave photo. He's spotted some of our ancestors.
  • Other contributors are looking closely at nature: Tavaron spied a praying mantis among the breathtaking flowers in her Austrian garden. Freewayriding took a close look at a small spider. Superfrenchie snapped a young gull on parade. NASA take a longer view of our planet: the Post Editor set some of the ISS B-Roll to music to better admire the grandeur.
  • Our writers are curious: Just how big is that blockhouse on the French coast? Why does that salt have such a funny name? How can a quilt pattern make fun of the British? What is the half-life of Marie Curie? These and other questions will be answered in this issue of the h2g2 Post.
  • Creativity abounds: SashaQ demonstrates another art form. Is there no end to this Researcher's talent? PaigetheOracle has a poem and story for you. The writing column explores the problem of instructional writing, and invites you to 1) laugh and 2) help do something about it.
  • Awix brings us the last 'fresh' cinema review before he heads out on an extended adventure in Central Asia. Don't worry: he's left enough backlog of film reviews from earlier this year to tide us over. And he's been given strict instructions to send photos. He'd better: I'm dead jealous that he will be in Kyrgyzstan and I've never been there....
  • If there is one thing the h2g2 Post is proud of, it is having revived the flagging art of the serial story. (Sorry, Stephen King.) This week, Freewayriding begins another thrilling and uplifting saga that will make you gasp and think. Follow the action in 'Seek and Ye Shall Find', chapter 1. Next week, we add another serial to the mix. You will not run out of reading matter on the morning commute.
  • Of course there are quizzes, cartoons, and General Snark. The General is a good friend of ours.

So read, comment, plan more Stuff. Lather, rinse, repeat. And have a good week!

Create September 2018 by Freewayriding
September Create Challenge:
Sowing and Reaping

Dmitri Gheorgheni





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