Post Quiz - Name That Tune: Simon and Garfunkel Edition

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Name That Tune: Simon and Garfunkel Edition

Name that tune
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(But do the quiz first.)

Back in the Dark Ages, when televisions were mostly black-and-white, and the voice of the game show announcer was first heard in the land, there was a programme in the US called Name That Tune. Contestants picked categories of music and had a bidding war for the right to name the tune.

'I can name that tune in 7 notes!'

'I can name that tune in 6 notes!'

'I can name that tune in 5 notes!'

'I can name that tune in 4 notes!'

'Name that tune!'

Of course, there were penalties for failure, etc, and 'fabulous' prizes to be won, just for having pop songs in your head. Now it's your turn. The Editor picked the category: Simon and Garfunkel songs. And the instrument: melodica, because there's one under the Post Office desk. Your task: to Name That Tune in not more than 6 notes.

Name That Tune! (Or watch the embedded video in your Pliny skin.)

For answers, click the image at the top.

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