Signs of Spring One sure sign of spring is the appearance of the h2g2 photographer, somewhere near you on our planet. Are the flowers out in your neighbourhood? In Tönning, Germany, they decorated for Easter, and our Bel captured the occasion for us. Lovely. In Pennsylvania, USA, the daffodils are finally up, and the bunnies are hopping around the yard. Signs of spring are everywhere. If you see any, snap a photo and send it to us. It's nice to share.
Down on the other side of the equator, Willem's experiencing cooler weather and more rain, as fall sets in. He's still sending us beautiful paintings and photos of the wildlife in South Africa. Get a look at this week's kingfisher.
The h2g2 Post is roaming the world this week. We'll give you a glimpse of Beachy Head, the Canary Islands, and a street in Philadelphia back in the past. We even speculate about what the NASA engineers are up to – and where they got that flying saucer from. (Was Mulder right all along?)
This week, we introduce a new series called Spoils of War. We'll be bringing cartoons, articles, and other bits of public domain spoilage on military events of the past, mostly from the point of view of ordinary soldiers. If you have anything of your own to contribute, you know where to find our gmail address. That goes for other contributions, as well. We welcome your input!
As usual, read, comment, get inspired. Don't forget to be working on your answer to this month's Create challenge. Enjoy the weather, wherever you are. And have a good week, everybody!
Dmitri Gheorgheni