Galloping Off in All Directions Do you have a good sense of direction? Confession: your Editor does not. Your Editor once managed to get lost in downtown Philadelphia. Why is this particularly embarrassing, you ask? Because the ancient Quaker city, like Heaven, is built foursquare, with numbered streets running one direction and Tree Streets in the other. In other words, Philly is not like Pittsburgh, where it is possible for your house to be surrounded on three sides by the same street, only at different altitudes. So there's no excuse for this kind of cluelessness.
Our contributors, however, have an excellent sense of direction. They explore many facets of reality and aspects of our mutual space/time. Like all good explorers, they make good maps. They offer guidance to those of us who are less perceptive, and we are humbly grateful for their insights.
Take Willem. Our gifted artist and trained biological expert continues to show us just how miraculous the plant and animal life of our planet can be. This week, he's got another lovely bird, and a fascinating plant. Or is it a fascinating bird and a lovely plant? A little of both, we suspect. View, read, and learn.
Awix has been out in the wilds recently. We heard rumours about Grenada…but he drops in with an amazing cinema tip, anyway. We thank him, and wave in passing. You'll really want to read this one: Sue the Dinosaur is a story that h2g2ers will appreciate, as he points out.
We do the usual snarky thing: jokes, mocking Americans with a UFO fetish, quizzing you about trivia, etc. Why do we do this? For one thing, we enjoy that sort of thing. For another…look, it's September. The seasons are changing. It's possible – just possible – that some of you might need cheering up.
Which leads us to the invaluable contribution of our Benjaminpmoore. Ben knows a lot about what it means to need a word of comfort. And he's got some serious advice for us this week, advice we hope you will all read and take to heart. Talk about mapping out the territory…thanks, Ben.
We hope you find something in these pages to cheer, enlighten, or amuse you. We also hope that soon, you'll all get over the autumn ho-hums, and send in more Stuff. You owe it to h2g2, the Post, and the spirit of Wrong-Way Corrigan. (Who?)
Have a good week!
Dmitri Gheorgheni