Old Winchester Hill Hampshire

3 Conversations

The location is not actually close to Winchester, it is to be found 17 miles southeast of the city, near the village of Meonstoke. The the hill is around 648ft high and has been described as, 'remote'. The downs are a chalk ridge which is are an extension at the western end of the South Downs in Hampshire, England. The top of the downs are today mainly used for grazing sheep, with cattle on the and arable crops on the lower slopes. This section of the downs has been described as the site of one of Hampshire's great hill forts, the fort of Old Winchester Hill, an exceptional Scheduled Ancient Monument. The first sign of human activity on the site was the construction of a Bronze Age cemetery. These older burials were evidently still prominent prior to the construction of the fort, as the forts builders appear to have avoided disturbing them. They may have even been the ancestors of the Iron Age builders.

The Hill fort

Old Winchester Hill is situated on the chalk ridge that dominates the Meon Valley and this superb Iron Age hill fort has been constructed at this most westerly point, to control the movement of invaders moving south down the valley.

The fort was constructed in the Iron Age around 600-300 BC, as a single bank with ditch in front1, the fort had an entrance at the eastern and western end. Although we do not know for sure the possible builders of the fort would have been the local tribe. At this time the principal tribe of the region were the Atrebates, however the local people were recorded by the Romans as the Meonwara, and the Meon Valley still bears their name.

Within the boundary of the fort there have been found the sites of several round houses and storage pits. There was also a dew pond to provide a basic supply of fresh water. The fort appears to been abandoned at around the middle of the Iron Age 150-100 BC. So it was never besieged during the Roman invasion, it just appears that occupants simply moved down into the valley and became affluent farmers, as there is abundant evidence of field systems in this area spanning many periods.

Army Training

We are very fortunate to have as much as we do as during WWII the whole area was used as a firing range by the British army for the training in the firing of mortars. There are still the occasional unexploded mortar shells found on the downland, however there is no danger in the public areas as the army has made an excellent job of clearing the area, and the army has avoided any serious damage to the site. Just don't dig holes, a poor idea to go metal detecting here (and its not allowed).

A National Nature Reserve

There is however even more reason to visit Winchester Hill, as it is a National Nature Reserve, classed as chalk downland and woodland reserve. And you can see a variety of birds to be seen such as the corn bunting, European green woodpecker, linnet and yellow hammer. Also it is possible to see the buzzard, red kite, and the kestrel is almost common.

A Site Of Special Scientific Interest

Old Winchester Down is also Site of Special Scientific Interest or SSSI within the boundary of the Southdowns National Park. The downland on Winchester Hill is also home to a variety butterfliesButterflies that may be seen on the downs include,

    1. The Chalk Hill Blue,
    2. The Adonis Blue,
    3. The Common Blue,
    4. The Dark Green Fritillary,
    5. The Speckled Wood,
    6. The Small Skipper,
    7. The Silver-spotted Skipper (Hesperia comma),
    8. The Small Heath,
    9. The Essex Skipper,
    10. The Meadow Brown,
    11. The Marbled White.

Also included in the butterfly population is the Lycaenidae butterfly. This species relies upon the many ant colonies on the hill. The ants are vitally important for in the life cycle of these butterflies. *


It is also a fantastic area for walking as the long distance footpaths the The Southdowns Way2 and the Monarch's Way cross the top of the hill.
There are car parking areas near the hill however they are isolated and there is the possibility of theft, in quieter times so do take care.

How to get to Old Winchester Hill *

It is often difficult to find sites or points or interest mentioned, so map reference points are provided here relating to the text.

    1. Old Winchester Hill Hill fort, western gate. --
      -- ( 50.981077,-1.0906163 )
    2. Main car park --
      -- ( 50.988672,--1.0813392 )
    3. Dew pond --
      -- ( 50.980446,--1.0858024 )
    4. Bronze Age Tumulii --
      -- ( 50.981466,-1.0909737 )

Just copy and paste the numbers into computer search or map search bar and it will take straight to the site indicated. It also works on some sat nav systems.

1Measuring approximately 933 meters or about 1020 yards.2The Southdowns Way which is a National Trail, Bridle way and a Regional Cycle Route 89.

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