Why, Why, Why?
The world is full of wonder. We ask why? a lot. Thankfully, we note that h2g2 has some answers. The Edited Guide is full of unconventional wisdom. The Post is full of it, too. (Quiet in the back.)
This week, Post contributors ask many questions. They even attempt an answer or two. We want to know why you write. Why people make movies. Why soldiers draw graffiti in odd places. Why NASA 's rover is naughty. Why red toads do what they do. Why, why, why?
Amy is back with another interview. Bluebottle is back with news from the SuperMarket. Benjaminpmoore is back with sage thoughts, and Cactuscafe is back with a prose poem, which I've strung all over a picture. (Actually, we tend to ask, 'Why not?') We ask, answer, collaborate, recombine to build our picture of the world as it is this week.
Read, leave comments, tell us what you think. Do some investigating of your own, and send us the results. The gmail address is still at the bottom of this page.
One question we haven't tried to answer yet is, 'Why do people carry towels?' We suspect you know the answer to this because you've read the Book. The Create folks have a project going for Towel Day. If you're someone who never doesn't know where his towel is, you might want to join in.
We hope it stops raining. And we wish you a good week, as always.
Dmitri Gheorgheni