The h2g2 Post 25.03.13

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 25th March 2013

Here Comes Everybody

Keyhaven. What is a harbour? Some people think of it as a safe place – and it is: a place for ships to come home to. Others think of a harbour as a destination, the threshold for new adventures. It's that, too. From the point of view of the harbour's citizens, it means work: new ships to pilot and tend, new people to greet and serve. You see where I'm going with this.

h2g2's our harbour: a bustling (but safe!) place for the commerce of ideas. We meet and greet daily – Guide Entries come in and are polished, illustrated, published. Conversations stimulate the flow while we find out where our friends are and what they're up to. The Post brings you its weekly dose of news, insight, and humour.

In answer to the March Create Challenge, there's been a bumper crop of new Entries over in Peer Review. Check it out, if you haven't yet. PR has sparked a hot discussion on the subject of international kitchen weights and measures. Maybe you can help us sort out the cups, ounces, and deciliters. The Arts Editors are still going all-out to get new photos for old Guide Entries. How do you do it? Simple. Just use the Search button to find a Guide Entry. If there's no picture, here's your opportunity. Send one that you've taken – it has to be your property – to As you read the Edited Guide, admire this artwork your fellow Researchers have contributed. And don't forget to read the Entries, too. I'm particularly proud to have recently jazzed-up the possum entry with the picture of one I shot (with a camera) one winter day in our backyard in Philadelphia. It was cold, and she was hiding in the doghouse. That's not why she looked cross. They always look like that, but as the Entry says, their snarl is worse than their bite.

We've got good Stuff here for you to read. I'll leave you to go and find it now. Just be thinking about how you're going to meet April's Create challenge, which will be about travel.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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