Well, It's Different The world is full of weird and wonderful things. If it weren't, we wouldn't have anything to write about. Check out your h2g2 Front Page – there's sure to be something weird and wonderful on it, even without the Post. But, boy, do we add to the wonder. Just check this week's offerings out: we've got poems, and cartoons, and wildlife, and church architecture, and fiction, and. . . well, you know the drill. Read, comment, get inspired, go do some researching and writing of your own. Wherever you go, there you are. We're counting on you to tell us about it.
We hope you're enjoying your October. Get out and watch some leaves turning. Take a picture for us. By the way, if you're in the US, a reminder: it's time to get your 'flu shots. Get 'em now. They take ten days to fully protect you, and you want to be armed against the crowds on Election Day. End of Public Service Announcement.
Get ready for Halloween. Remember: we're still accepting Halloween Stuff for the Post. Poems, cartoons, photos, stories, you name it. Scare the daylights out of us, make us chuckle. We're asking for it. Also, remember to get ready for the Mystery Night on the 28th. Create has all the latest.
If you aren't subscribed to the Announcements page, why not? Go and do that. While you're there, take a look at Robbie's latest announcement. It will give you a glow. We thank him, and appreciate all the volunteers.
Wow. Talk about appropriate. As we go to press, we – and the rest of the twittering world – stand agog and agape, as Austrian Felix Baumgartner has now set a new world's record for highest balloon flight. He's also proven that it is possible for a human being to free-fall faster than the speed of sound, and live to tell about it. We were watching along with everyone else as he stepped out of his capsule into empty air. About ten minutes later (four-and-a-half of them in freefall), he landed on terra firma. On his feet, no less. How's that for weird and wonderful? We'd show you the pictures, but it wasn't NASA, this time. Felix has our best wishes.
Dmitri Gheorgheni