A Conversation for Freemasonry - a Question and Answer Session

General Pubic?

Post 1


First sentence. As any fule kno, there should an 'l' in it! smiley - smiley

General Pubic?

Post 2


Thank you very much indeed for pointing out that rather unfortunate error, ¬! (Rather catchy name you've got there if you don't mind me saying!)


General Pubic?

Post 3


Thanks! It has a rather more pretentious air to it than my real name (Adam) or my old h2g2 username (Dr Wonky Mungbean) I think! smiley - smiley
Plus its easier to spell.

General Pubic?

Post 4


I suppose may be easier to spell, but I spent a good fifteen hours searching for it on the keyboard. (Well, almost...)

General Pubic?

Post 5

And Introducing... A Leg

How's it pronounced?

General Pubic?

Post 6


Actually, that's our bizarre and sinister name for those who are not memberssmiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

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