A Conversation for Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK
The Golden Mile?
Spawnof Started conversation Dec 24, 2002
I've lived in Southend-on-Sea for a few years. I've never heard reference made to a 'Golden Mile' here. I went to Blackpool once and heard reference made to 'Golden Mile' there several times; perhaps the sources of this article are getting their resorts confused? (They're only about a 500 miles apart after all).
The Golden Mile?
Schrödinger's Cat-flap Posted Dec 24, 2002
'Golden Mile' is a term usually given to an area that pulls in a lot of money, as does the road the article refers to, due to the combined profits of the amusement park and game arcades. It's not an official title at all, but some people do call it that.
I hope that answers your question
Merry Christmas!
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The Golden Mile?
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