A Conversation for The Grim Reaper
The Shaking of the Sheets
Cheerful Dragon Started conversation Jan 20, 2003
Steeleye Span released an album which included a song called 'The Shaking of the Sheets'. This song seems to be sung by the Grim Reaper himself, and refers to a piper playing a tune and the person who hears it, whoever they may be, has to dance away with the Grim Reaper.
The idea of literally dancing with death makes the Grim Reaper seem a much more sociable character than the traditional 'skeleton in a hooded cloak'.
The Shaking of the Sheets
Crescent Posted Jan 20, 2003
Dance, Dance, the shaking of the sheets
Dance, Dance, when you hear the piper
Everyone must dance the shaking of the sheets, with me.
Take away the beggar, take away the king
Lord and ladies of degree
Take away the oldest and the youngest thing
Come to death and follow me
Take a way the merchant who made his money in France,
and the crafty banker too....
Bugger, forgotten the rest (it is a Monday) It is traditional and had a really bouncy tune. Should be sung more
Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent
The Shaking of the Sheets
SimplesOfTheMoon Posted Jan 20, 2003
The Shaking of the Sheets
By: Steeleye Span
CHORUS: Dance, dance, the shaking of the sheets
Dance, dance, when you hear the piper
Playing, everyone must dance
The shaking of the sheets with me.
Bring away the beggar, bring away the King
And every man in his degree.
Bring away the oldest, and the youngest thing
Come to death and follow me!
Bring away the merchant who made his money in France
And the crafty banker, too!
When you hear the piper, you and I must dance
The Dance that everyone must do!
I'll find you in the courtrooms, I'll find you in the schools
When you hear the piper play,
I'll take away the wise me, take away the fools,
And bring their bodies all to clay.
All the politicians of high and low degree,
Lords and Ladies great and small
Don't think that you'll escape, and need not dance with me
I'll make you come when I do call!
It may be in the day, it may be in the night
Prepare yourselves to dance and pray!
That when the piper plays "The Shaking of the Sheets"
You may to Heaven dance the way!
Hope this will help you...
The Shaking of the Sheets
Ssubnel...took his ball and went home Posted Jan 21, 2003
This may be off-topic, but my favorite song about the angel of death is "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult. Although the band also has been associated with Satanic forces it is a great tune none the less. Although it is about 20 odd years old now.
The Shaking of the Sheets
SimplesOfTheMoon Posted Jan 21, 2003
Thanx. Problem is, I'm the one stuck with all the lyrics I've ever heard in my brain... and I can't remember tunes! See you around.
The Shaking of the Sheets
Recumbentman Posted Jul 4, 2003
William Cobbold's fancy on the tune 'Browning' with words about "New Fashions" has a snatch of a galliard to the words
Can ye dance the shaking of the sheetes
A dance that every man must doe?
Can ye trick yt up with dayntye sweetes
And ev'rye thing that 'longs therto?
Make ready then your winding sheete
And see how you can bestirre your feete
For death ys the man that all must meete
Bring away the begger and the king
And ev'ry man in his degree
. . . .
And ev'ry one come follow me.
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The Shaking of the Sheets
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