A Conversation for Bush House, London, UK
The Ultimate Answer to language barriers?
Ormondroyd Started conversation Sep 23, 2002
'...the World Service broadcasts not only in English, but in 42 other languages as well.'
Can that figure really be just a coincidence?
The Ultimate Answer to language barriers?
Mina Posted Sep 23, 2002
I thought that part was too spooky to leave out. I deliberately didn't say that it broadcast in 43 languages.
The Ultimate Answer to language barriers?
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Sep 23, 2002
That's not what I thought you were going
to say, Ormondroyd.
The subject line led me to think you would
propose letting the World Service translate
all of our posts that are not in English,
thus avoiding the friendly "This post has
been hidden by the fun-loving moderators..."
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The Ultimate Answer to language barriers?
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