A Conversation for Bush House, London, UK
The human cost of building Bush House
5downunder Started conversation May 25, 2006
I used to drive past Bush House every day and it wasn't untillsome years later that I learned that my great Grandfather, Alfred Horton, fell from the building and was killed whilst helping to build it. He was a stone mason and had fought in france during the First World War. He left a wife and 3 small children. I think of him every time I drive past now and feel very attached to the building because of him.
The human cost of building Bush House
Mina Posted May 26, 2006
I'm sorry to hear that. My Grandmother used to live very close to Bush House and she was really happy that I'd ended up there. Strange, that made me feel close too.
The human cost of building Bush House
sylvia6114 Posted Sep 22, 2006
Hi, 5downunder! You must be Karen & co. If this is not the case, reply on this site. I thought my Gfather's name was Freddie! MumX
The human cost of building Bush House
Freeman Posted Nov 23, 2006
Hi 5downunder, I'm sorry about what happens to your Gpa at Bush house, I guess those are the enavitable scrifices and no matter how or who make mistake; if I can say is the God's wish.
The human cost of building Bush House
Freeman Posted Nov 23, 2006
Hi 5downunder, I'm sorry about what happens to your Gpa at Bush house, I guess those are the enavitable scrifices and no matter how or who make mistake; if I can say is God's wish.
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The human cost of building Bush House
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