A Conversation for Bush House, London, UK
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
Ormondroyd Started conversation Sep 23, 2002
Is this excellent sentiment still displayed around Bush House on the BBC crest, as seen here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/ilove/tv/classic/nation.shtml - or is it considered a bit too controversial nowadays?
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
J'au-æmne Posted Sep 23, 2002
Why? nations all *should* speak peace unto nation. If people are about to go into a war, it's all the more apt and relevent, because they should be sure that they're going to war for the right reasons, and have tried speaking peace first.
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
Ormondroyd Posted Sep 23, 2002
I was being a little bitter and sarcastic, J'au-æmne. I emphatically, wholeheartedly agree that nation should be speaking peace unto nation and that war should be avoided - look at the second section of my Personal Space if you don't believe me. Tragically, at the moment that doesn't seem to be the official government viewpoint, so the BBC advocating peace could be seen as controversial.
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
J'au-æmne Posted Sep 23, 2002
Sorry. I had my 'american' glasses on and couldn't detect the sarcasm *
*Sorry, just playing to national stereotypes here...
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
dyvroeth Posted Jan 31, 2006
Naim, I think Ormondroyd is right; I'm sure I saw Nation shall speak unto Nation as well - between 1975 and 1978 at least.
In my pale and callow youth, a thousand years ago now, I used to take a short cut through Bvsh Hovse when I walked down Kingsway (past the old CAA building) and in through the Aldwych north entrance.
The sad bit is that I was reading Geology at King's College on the Strand at the time and one of the reasons I did it was to admire the magnificent stromatolitic limestones that paved the floor and the steps down to the south entrance.
I was the one the BBC porters used to stare at most mornings, then tap the side of their heads knowingly and wink.
'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
Mina Posted Feb 1, 2006
Only BBC people are allowed through these days, and apparently not all BBC staff can get into it with their pass. It seems to be rather sensitve, perhaps because of where it is positioned.
If I was sightseeing in the area, I'd spend more time staring at The Royal Courts of Justice as I'm in love with the building.
I only worked at Bush House from Jan 2002 to Dec 2004, and for about six months of that I was actually in some offices over Holborn Station. I longed for a fire drill that would take us down the back stairs and out through Holborn Station, but it never happened.
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'Nation shall speak peace unto nation'
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