A Conversation for Great Film Locations

Rocky! Rocky!! Rocky !!!

Post 1

Jimi X

I'm quite ashamed to have neglected to mention Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as another popular Keystone State location.

The Rocky films were often set in and around Philadelphia, including the famous scene where he climbs the steps at the art museum and the horde of children swarm around him cheering as the music swells...

The iconic Rocky statue was at the top of those steps for a while until some uptight art lovers decided it was too crass and moved it downtown to the sports complex.

One of the fun games of spot the tourist can be found watching for people to run up those steps and then leap up and down in jubilation. smiley - erm Yeah.

And of course the film 'Philadelphia' had lots of scenes from the city including some great shots of City Hall with William Penn's statue and the courtyard.

smiley - cheers
- Jimi X

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Rocky! Rocky!! Rocky !!!

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