A Conversation for Stargate SG-1 - the TV Show
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mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Started conversation May 9, 2007
Great entry, loads of info but...
O'Neill is spelt with two 'L's! I don't know how you managed to miss this, as it is probably the thing he says most throughout the series ("O'Neill - two 'L's...") but hey... But, like I said, really brilliant entry...
Just one thing...
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted May 9, 2007
In the film, which the first part discribes, O'Neil (Played by Kurt Russell) was spelt with one L
Just one thing...
mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Posted May 10, 2007
Darn it! You've caught me there, I'm afraid... I could go on to tell you that you just spelt "describes" wrong but I don't want to get off on the wrong foot. Sorry, I'm a complete freak when it comes to grammar and spelling!
Seriously, I apologise for how intensely annoying I am...
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 10, 2007
but at least you were paying attention!
so... what do you like about the show in particular?
Just one thing...
mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Posted May 13, 2007
Well, as I'm a hopeless romantic, I obviously adore those little moments between Carter and O'Neill! I also love Teal'c - his non-existant sense of humour is an endless source of amusement to me ^_^
Of course, I have the hots for Daniel, Jonas and (don't judge me) O'Neill too... He just makes me laugh and he's extremely handsome.
I like the fact that the smartest person in the SGC is a woman, and also beautuful - it's not fair that she has it all!!!
What do you like about it?
Just one thing...
mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Posted May 13, 2007
Whoops - hypocritical, aren't I? I just spelt beautiful wrong!
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 13, 2007
what I did like about it was the fact that it's in real time and that (at the beginning) the writers seemed to care that they had a bit of military realism.
This started to go off course somewhere during S5 (for me) and by the time S7 got around I was watching out of loyalty to the show and to letch Daniel Jackson who just got more tasty as the years went on.
For all that I love the Teal'c character, I hated the Jaffa storyline - they could fall once for a false god as far as I was concerned but to do it a second time was careless. As for the Tok'ra...
But then there were all those fabulous eps where they didn't leave you in a cut and dried position (Scorched Earth: who are we to decide which civilisation gets to live or die; The Other Side: our lust for technology was blinding us to the real reasons that they wanted our weaponry; Window of Opportunity: the guy who wanted a few hours with his wife but interfered with countless planets, would we have acted differently?)
After O'Niell left, I went right off it, and it's colouring my judgement of previous seasons now. Which is making me cross.
(wish you'd never asked?)
Just one thing...
mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Posted May 14, 2007
Of course not! I'm ever interested in other people's views on my favourite Sci-fi show. What's your favourite episode?
Please tell me you cried when Daniel ascended - that was a real tear-jerker!!!
Just one thing...
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted May 14, 2007
My Favourite has always been A Matter of Time, when time goes haywire in the SGC, I really like that one
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 15, 2007
my favourite was Torment of Tantalus for ages and ages and ages (I even did a fic for that)
but then it morphed, without me realising, into The Other Side. So much in that - and of course there is all that Jack/Daniel stuff going on.
But there are others which I will watch when it comes on:
Scorched Earth (S4)
Shades of Gray (S3)
Metamorphosis (S6)
and the first part of Heroes where we had that fantastic SG-13 stuff.
Oh and Chain Reaction...
I prefer characters to whole eps though, so anything with Jack/Daniel stuff, Agent Barrett, Harry Maybourne especially with added Jack stuff.
What will make me switch off is that Jaffa storyline, too much girly Sam (or out of character sam) and Jacob. In any shape.
oh and most of S8, all of S9 and all of S10 (admittedly, i only actually watched the last ep of that, and then only for old-times-sake, i thought it was rubbish)
oh my... it's a bit of an obsession, even now I've gone off it!
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 15, 2007
oh and sorry to say, Mad-hatter, I didn't cry when Daniel turned into glowboy, but then I had been spoiled (I was a moderator on the GateWorld forum for ages & ages - spoilers are a hazard of the job)
Apart from Meridian then - what other eps really float your boat?
Just one thing...
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted May 15, 2007
I like most stuff with Major Davis, you had to spend time wondering wether he was the good guy or the bad guy and Thor, I liked Thor. I did cry buckets during Heroes, I didn't like Jonas they just tried too hard with him, I didn't like Mitchell either or Landry. I much prefer 'Geek Daniel' of the first 5 or so series than 'Hard A$$ed Daniel' at the end
Just one thing...
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted May 16, 2007
True, but the whole reason Daniel was there was to be the 'Swotty one', have all the answers and be the voice of reason and the Jack/Daniel thing lost a bit of 'Something' when he 'buffed up' too, the reason it worked so well in the beginning is because they were totally opposite, in the end Daniel became like Jack
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 17, 2007
oh yes, they lost so much when they allowed Michael Shanks to look more like himself. I often think it was a totally rubbish piece of casting - they wanted someone skinny and lanky and if you're a 6 foot piece of Canadian beefcake you can act all you like but you're never going to be skinny and lanky in a gazillion years. Even if you wear clothes 5 sizes too big.
I liked Jonas for some reason - more at the beginning of his stint when he was trying so hard. When he got turned into Daniel's replacement it was rubbish but I still watched for some reason. When Daniel came back in S7 I watched to but it started to go downhill from there. No matter what anyone says I believe that TPTB believed they needed Michael Shanks back as much as they wanted Daniel back (I'm less inclined than some to believe it had anything to do with online activities
) and that started to kill the show.
Just one thing...
Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) Posted May 17, 2007
The show died when they killed off the Goa'uld and bought in the Ori
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 17, 2007
*hands on ears, eyes closed*
Just one thing...
mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different Posted May 17, 2007
O_O I didn't want to know that the Goa'uld were killed off!
On the bright side, do you (Sho) possibly have an account on fanfiction?
If it's you who wrote a fic to the Torment of Tantalus then I actually love you. Seriously.
Just one thing...
Sho - employed again! Posted May 17, 2007
I do have a fanfic page... er, lemme see...
wow, I haven't been there in yonks
but i'm not the only one who posts there (there appear to be more than 15,000 Stargate fics there. )
anyway, if that's the one (it's in there somewhere - Return to Heliopolis) I hope it's the one you liked but I fear it's not.
(in the Stargate online world I'm Major Clanger, for what it's worth)
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Just one thing...
- 1: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 9, 2007)
- 2: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 9, 2007)
- 3: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 10, 2007)
- 4: Sho - employed again! (May 10, 2007)
- 5: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 13, 2007)
- 6: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 13, 2007)
- 7: Sho - employed again! (May 13, 2007)
- 8: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 14, 2007)
- 9: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 14, 2007)
- 10: Sho - employed again! (May 15, 2007)
- 11: Sho - employed again! (May 15, 2007)
- 12: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 15, 2007)
- 13: Sho - employed again! (May 16, 2007)
- 14: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 16, 2007)
- 15: Sho - employed again! (May 17, 2007)
- 16: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 17, 2007)
- 17: Sho - employed again! (May 17, 2007)
- 18: Reefgirl (Brunel Baby) (May 17, 2007)
- 19: mad-hatter---*---crazy.is.just.another.word.for.different (May 17, 2007)
- 20: Sho - employed again! (May 17, 2007)
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