The Drawing Room

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Your feet tread lightly on the hardwood floor. There is a large desk in front of you, with display cabinets behind: you wonder about the suitability of the desk's size, especially with regards to it's owner's rather diminutive status. You walk nearer, to see the various items in the cabinets. Feel free to pick anything up!

You see a Helm with a device on the forehead: a clear shield, with a white contour in the middle, showing FwT's status as the Clear Knight of the Terminally Indecisive

A surreal Dali-esque picture including a face, a melting clock and a man in a suit.Below it, couldn't be could it? But it is: a large quantity of bellybutton fuzz.

There is also a forgotten corner to the cabinet, which is well shadowed, being a Demi-God.
As you approach the mahogany desk, there are a multiple of drawers all of which contain blueprints of the manor and various other uninteresting things. On one side of the desk is a PC for going on h2g2 of course! On the other side sits a bright green toad, with large black and white eyes: the eyes start to move- all obey the hypno-toad! Next to it lies a small cage in which are various small creatures with long claws and sharp teeth: the infamus speliing daemons who misell my thrads!

To the right, are more cabinets, yet these aren’t open for people to see, there is a fridge with food (including chocolate!) and chocolate milk inside, and some drinks in the cabinet above, including bitter, white wine, cider, and dandelion and burdock (naturally!).

Above the desk, is a large picture, and next to it a lamp
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