The Bikers Rest

15 Conversations

A coffee shop situated on the other side of the road, just opposite from the club house of The H2G2 Motorcycle Club

The bikes lined up outside is a sign that this is a popular place.

When you step inside, you'll see a row of metal hooks to your left. Someone's leathers seem to be hanging on one of them. To the right you'll see a battered book shelf where you can put your helmet.

If you look around, you'll notice that the furniture is an odd mix of chairs and tables, looking as if they were bought at a jumble sale (well, actually, they were bought at several different jumble sales, so there!).

In a corner stands a bright yellow chair, a genuine Sunburst chair. It belongs to the proprietoress, U151707 so you might think twice before sitting down in that one.

At the back of the coffee shop you'll see the counter. U187562 is probably busy composing delicious milkshakes for the Specials Menu. If you prefer a smiley - ask U181667 - he seems to be the only one who knows how to work the monstruous brass espresso machine.

You might find U47285 sitting in a corner, humming the melody of a Bob Marley hit smiley - - at least until we can get our hands on a second-hand jukebox..

And in case you're wondering why U101564 seems a bit wary of U55612 you'll have to check the backlog - with a smiley - like that around, you'd better drive carefully!smiley -

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