A Conversation for Alternative Uses for Socks
For keeping mobiles in
Dr. Fluffy bunny slippers Started conversation Apr 15, 2003
Socks can also be used as a rather effective mobile looker-afterer!
A friend of mine always keeps hers in one! This way your mobile is nice and snug-it won't complain at all! It stops it form getting scratched and can prevent it from being over-sociable and calling your friends while your not around(which mine is rather fond of)thus reduces bills quite substantially!
Also, when your phone rings...you can have a lot of fun, talking on your sock-this confuses people a great deal!
Dr Fluffy Bunny Slippers
For keeping mobiles in
Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319 Posted Aug 4, 2003
I'd forgotten that in the varnacular mobile means mobile phone. I had in my head the complicated assortment of canes, strings and decorative bits that hang in a gentle draft or over a baby's cot.
Reread the previous post with that in mind and it becomes quite surreal.
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For keeping mobiles in
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