A Conversation for Mike Corley - Conspiracy Theorist

Link nitpick

Post 1

SchrEck Inc.

The link to Iain Hotchkies' Mike Corley FAQ should be http://www.five.org.uk/root/#hotchfaq ... smiley - bigeyes

Link nitpick

Post 2

Danny B

Damn... I'm sure that worked last time I checked it smiley - sadface

Link nitpick

Post 3


OK - fixed! smiley - smiley

Link nitpick

Post 4

Danny B

smiley - cheers

Link nitpick

Post 5

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

They moved it, then - it was "correct at time of going to press"

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