2 Conversations

Open your mind and say; 'AWW.'

We are AGG/GAG, a posse of persona operating unofficially on the fringes of the AWW. We're looking at

the Writing Guidelines for the Edited Guide, and want to toss them


This week AGG/GAG continues its search for the weird and wonderful in the Unedited portions of the Guide. For all the

foo-for-all and hot-air expended [by members of AGG/GAG], it really does just come down to promoting and shamelessly

plugging writers who create anything good that doesn't fit the 'Edited Guide' rules and regulations.

Recommended by -jwf-

My choice this week is from Lucinda

Lucinda is a veteran of h2g2 and yet remains an enigma. He, she or (more likely) they have posted to thousands of

conversations and contribute to the Peer Review process and the Alternative Writing

. Always with something useful, interesting or helpful to say, Lucinda's identity and true politics remain a

mystery. But this recent entry Recursive Laughter reveals a true sense of humour and

is one of the most thought provoking and funny entries I've ever seen. Enjoy!

Recommended by tonsil


The entry you are about to read was found under an old wine bottle at the grave stone of a promising young writer. The

faded label on the bottle claimed that the wine went well with day-old pizza and possessed a bouquet that had been reviewed

as 'gleefully anti-social' in the East Napa Valley Thrifty Nickel and Free Trader.

As places go, I can think of many far worse for students to get into trouble than the library. The library is a place that

has been dear to my heart since the day I first walked into one and the school library is a place that I spent as much time in

as I could from my first grade days up until the last college I dropped out of.

The following piece, Games for Playing Whilst Bored in School Libraries  by

Judiciary Pag  is a side glance into a world that merits a small documentary. Until

that happens (donations in the small coffee can on the table), there is this noble effort.

Recommended by =X Subcom.


In his concise, no-beating-around-the-bush style, Hobbes shares his opinion about the

world of haute couture with his entry on The Fashion Industry and Its Positive Contribution To

. Keep in mind that Hobbes is 'currently going through a beige period playing lots of easy listening music

by people such as Burt Bacharach'
, according to notes on his user space.

We at GAG (the Galactic Anomalies Group) hope you're enjoying our discoveries and would really like your help in

finding more. If you know of a really good Entry that would not pass muster for the Edited Guide let us know at the AGG/GAG homepage. Just start a new conversation there and include a link (or directions) to

the Entry.

We've decided we need to get one suggestion from the Post readers for every one we suggest. So I can't really promise

three more next week unless we hear from you. smiley - smiley


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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