AGGH - Alternative Galaxial Guides for Hitchhikers

5 Conversations

January 2001

An Alternate Galaxial Guide for Hitchhikers is obviously required. While the purposes of the 'earth edition' as an encyclopedic resource of all things in Life, the Universe and Everything, are admirable, it is the unenviable task of the editors to protect the innocent hiker from falsehood and disinformation. Reality always has very binding and uncomfortable limitations and excellent entries such as Looneytunes 'the 27th letter' are being dismissed simply because they are untrue.

Without disagreeing on the expressed danger of innocents taking such entries as gospel and re-iterating them in other places it can be agreed that absurdist information is an essential part of Life, the Universe and Everything.

Several examples of the world's great Art, Music, and Literature began life as ironic or satirical parodies of their ilk. Dukas wrote The Sorcerer's Apprentice as a send-up of the style and the piece was enjoyed as such by its first audiences. Today it is considered serious music.

An Alternate Galaxial Guide for Hitchhikers (AGGH) is essential for expressing the otherwise inexpressable. Satire, irony, and parody and the ability to laugh at absurdity cannot be excluded from a hitchhikers backpack of life skills.

UPDATE: December 2001

Thanks to those who have participated in the conversation threads of this forum below.
We have now created "Another Guide to the Galaxy / Galactic Anomalies Group" AGG/GAG to seek out and promote the best of the Unedited Guide Entries and feature them in our own AGG/GAG page in each weeks issue of the h2g2 Post. Thanks to Shazz and the H2G2Post Team for giving us a platform from which to shout the news.



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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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