A Conversation for The Origin of Terry Pratchett's Discworld
Disc World
Catman do... aka clincher Started conversation Jan 6, 2003
Wow... so much stuff i never knew about the disc world series, i am a recent devotee to the series, i am working my way thru slowly, im up to Guards, Guards, at the moment. enjoying it all, your comments make a lot of sense. its the charecters that really get me involved, the witches and death are fantastic.
Disc World
muppet Posted Feb 15, 2003
our next door neighbour is a pratchett nut as well, and as he works for energis has super-fast broadband access at work. he's downloading a heap of the unabridged recorded discworlds, most of them are read by nigel planer.
i need to buy an mp3 player i think!
guards!guards! is one of my all-time favourites. i often think that terry has a soft spot for the guards myself, particularly sam vimes. i have a sneaking suspicion sam is his favourite character. i know he's mine!
oh, and death. the librarian. granny weatherwax. hex.
Disc World
Catman do... aka clincher Posted Feb 15, 2003
Not forgetting Carrot, the massive dwarf... 'grin'
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