A Conversation for The Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney Pie

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 1


Does anyone actually eat anyother flavour than butterscotch?

It's the best flavour there is...there's an entry in the offing on that dessert I think.

I'm sure most of us have probably inhaled a whole packet over the years the way the powder creates a cloud as you pour the stuff out.

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 2

Icy North

Yes, that's the flavour that sticks in my mind. I can't be sure of the others, but 'banana' and 'the pink one' must be candidates.

I'll see what I can turn up in my research...

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 3

Icy North

Just spent an amusing hour researching Angel Delight - yes, I think there's a story to be told.

My favourite fact is this piece from last November's Sunday Mirror (so it must be true)...

X FACTOR boss Simon Cowell has become hooked on Angel Delight as he struggles to cope with the backlash over Jedward.

He was so rattled by the row over the twins that he's started comfort eating his favourite childhood pudding, according to best pal Sinitta.

"He has a two-packet-a-day problem or habit - it's his comfort food," said mumof-two Sinitta, 41.

Two packets of the just-add-milk dessert are enough for eight servings.

She adds: "He walks round with a packet of cigarettes and a packet of Angel Delight.

He will have a bowl of pink Angel Delight at home or in the back of a limo.

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 4

Icy North

And here's the best of the Angel Delight offerings on Youtube:


Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 5



Simon Cowell to get special Bafta award for services to lactose based dried desserts.

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 6

Icy North

Angel Delight entry now in Peer Review: A69157254

smiley - cheers Icy

Bird's Angel Delight butterscotch mousse

Post 7


That was quick Icy...an almost instant dessert entry one might say...smiley - run

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