A Conversation for The Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney Pie

Great Entry

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Really enjoyed reading this: short, wry, nostalgiac and humorous. Excellent work, Icy North. smiley - ok

Great Entry

Post 2

Icy North

Thanks Eds - it was fun to write. smiley - smiley

There's a fascinating story behind many of our convenience food brands, and it's nice to enshrine them in the Edited Guide before we forget all about them.

Great Entry

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Totally agree with you. If ever you get the time or inspiration to write any more in a similar vein then we'd be delighted to read them and of course 'enshrine' them in the guide. smiley - ok

Great Entry

Post 4


There is something about a Fray Bentos pie that pulls you back to them. A pastry pie in a tin...I think I have one in my kitchen cupboard at the moment. I think it must be a few decades since I last had one until last year when I just had the urge for one.

And if Floyd liked 'em then they are true English cuisine.

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