A Conversation for Setting up a Band


Post 1

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

IMHO it's all a matter of attitude.

I have been playing in several bands / combos of many different styles. Taking it as granted that all band members have at least a basic standard of musical skill, the most important thing is the attitude/commitment that you have. (a good hint: watch the movie 'Commitments' before you even think about putting up a band).

Rule #1: Try to be professional. That does not mean that you are going to earn your living from the very first day. It just means that there will be other people who are going to pay you (with money, free drinks or just applause and (hopefully) physical affection smiley - blush). Would you like to pay for someone who behaves like an a**hole? You'll have to earn what people are ready to give to you.

Rule #2: Forget your individual Ego. Concentrate on the collective Ego instead. This means that it doesn't make sense to be better than the other band members. It makes a lot more sense to be better than other bands. It's not a matter of 'me vs. the others' but 'WE vs. the others'.

Rule #3: Competition will be merciless. Be prepared for that. No one will like your music as much as you do (at least in the beginning). If others like your music more that you do, you have made it (sounds pretty sarcastic, doesn't it?). The best thing that can happen to you is that you still like what you play, but others like it even more.

Rule #4: Smile. Be friendly. Don't never ever put off someone who might be your most loyal fan. Even little kids may come to you asking for autographs. Do not disappoint them.

Rule #5: Have an emergency plan. Be prepared for the moment when you realize that the thing does not work. Or, as someone in "The Commitments" said "Most bands don't have more that one gig."

Rule #6: Keep your gear in a proper working order. Nothing can annoy you more that having to interrupt your breakthrough gig because of a rotten cable.



Post 2

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Rule #7 (extension to #1): It will never be the music that wil bring you the next gig. Promoters will rather ask "Can I *WORK* with that band or are they just a bunch of hoodlum bums who will never keep their contracts?" than "Is that music good?".


Post 3

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Rule #8: The stage is a very bad place for democracy. One member of the band *HAS* to be the master of ceremonies. Don't never ever discuss about what song to play next on stage. If the gig was bad, discuss it out in private.

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