Project Policrateia
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
- Project name: Policratea, a new political system
- Field Researcher: McLuxzenburg
- Researcer Number: U145104
- Department: Politics
- Faculty: Social Sciences
- Start Date: 19th September 2001
- End Date: 1st November 2001
Project Discription
The Project on Policratea aims to develop a new political system which is able to replace existing politcial systems. Democracy fails to meet the expectations of the majority of the world citizens. Its combination with neo-liberal market capitalism disappoints or anger many people. This results in mondial terrorism and civil strive. Policracy is an experiment to resolve these dangers and complaints.
It is fundamented on "basic local democracy" and then goes bottom-up to regional, national and possible international government. Unlike western democracy, policracy (as it can be named) must be designed to become adobted by Islamic, East Asian or African cultures without changing the fundaments of these cultures or the values of policracy. Actualy,we can state that policracy is democracy in disguise! aimed chapters, this is not the final outline. Changes can be sugested!
- Political Systems a New World.
- Policrateia: A Summary
- Policratea versus Western Democracy
- Policratea in Africa
- Policratea in the Islamic World
- Policratea in Eastern Asia
- A Policratic World Government?
Anyone who want to contribute to one or more chapters can contact me!
Policrateia © E.LuxZen, 2001