Political Systems: a New World

4 Conversations

This is the alternative for a state with a community of citizens and can easily be adopted in the Project Policrateia. The New World will contain anarchistic, communistic, socialistic, altruistic en kibbutzim ideals combined with a strong pacifistic and environmentalist feeling. The community exists out of small colonies (kibbutzim) of approximately 50 persons. The membership is voluntarily if you like the way of live you can join a colony, if you do not like it (anymore) you leave. The people make up together some targets and create a constitution in which they put basic rights for all life and all sentient beings. This is to prevent chaos as if it should happen with anarchism.

If there are more kibbutzim close together in a region, it is possible to create a co-ordinating council in which every kibbutz has one or more deputies. This council can encourage trade between the communities by creating MOEC's (Medium of Exchange Currency), and by making an industrial task list wherein every kibbutz has his product to fabricate. The council will not be the highest organ in the sea of communities, that will be the individuals and the individual kibbutzim, the deputies has to return to their kibbutzim and discuss every item with the other members. The community members have to approve every proposal before it can become legislation, they can also demand some changes in the proposal, but every other community have to approve these changes. Because of this system, it can be like deputies who travel from kibbutz to council and back and back several times, but there is no need for speed but for democracy so it does not matter.

The New World communities can live within the existing nation states. Nevertheless, the members have chosen not to be part of these nations anymore. They respect the nations and want respect form these nations. The kibbutzim do not use facilities of the nations in which they exist and do not buy products at them. With their MOEC's the can survive. As refund of having some territory the can sell/grant products to the nation and of course, they deliver new ideas and new ideals to the nations.

The New World communities will be intellectual scientific and artistic places where new ideas will see their first daylight. The properties within the kibbutz belong to the community. All belongings are free of charge. This counts for the machines for production (which the members use communal usually) but also for the consuming products (bikes, computers etc…). For the last category of products: Who comes first at day, has the first right to use the product, nobody can claim anything. The kibbutz shall try to be self sufficient in production of food and materials. There will take place agriculture and small-scaled industry. The production will be as large as the needs for necessary materials. The Kibbutz can trade agricultural surpluses for products, which it does not crop itself, and/or for materials for which the knowledge and/or the tools does not exist. This is one of the main reasons why an erected council should create MOEC's. For the industrial production and less for the agriculture there is a need for electricity, the Kibbutz will try to produce energy with an ecological method.

Like said in the fist paragraph, the community members do not use violence against each other and will not be violent to the outside world. Because the communities are small and everybody lives together and works together the 'social control' will be great, the criminality is non-existent and quarrels they fought out by words. On the other hand, enemies from the outside world with serious aggressive minds will meet the kibbutz-resistance-group (KRG). These are community members who will even give up one of their most important ideals: pacifism and fight against the aggressor with the same aggression.

The New World: rapport about the balanced community of the New World (in Dutch). E.LuxZen makes this Edition. The New World is in initiative for a New World community, based on Pacifism, Socialism, and Environmentalism. H.G and E.LuxZen have created it at December the 12, 1996 after a medium period of discussing how a New World order has to look like with additions of Ronald Visser. At December the 12 1996, Erik van Luxzenburg completed this report. E.LuxZen made this translation at February 29 2000.

Policrateia © E.LuxZen, 2001

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