A Conversation for Tea
Why Tea is Great
Masked Flamingo Started conversation May 16, 1999
Tea is a particularly interesting aspect of what makes cultures different. As a slobbish English type, my experience of tea doesn't extend much further than a bag of Sainsbury's Economy slopped around with a teaspoon in some thoroughly boiled water, but I love Tea just as much as every other English person ever, and that's because of what Tea represents: Whilst the Americans have to shoot each other, and make fools of themselves whilst attacking their girlfriend's pimps on Jerry Springer and spend millions in Therapy, the English know that the solution to any given problem is to sit down and have a nice hot cup of tea. Regular tea "users" will become aware of this uncanny power and not have to go through all the ridiculous emotional torment of the Americans. If only we could teach the whole world to solve their problems over a cup of tea and possibly some nice biccies we would have instant world peace...
Why Tea is Great
Infomage Posted May 16, 1999
Perhaps the lack of world peace *is* indicative of a tea non-compatibility. This bears some consideration.
Maybe Twinings should be contacted by the MOD to assist in the manufacture of 'tea-bombs' which could shower the target zone with tea bags and leaves, complete with a copy of the main article here so that the people know the correct infusion technique. This would result in a whole lot more understanding, regardless of the state controlled media, and may even lead to a peaceful revolution, as the proletariat introduce the hierachy to the joys of tea.
Or maybe I'm just kidding myself...
Why Tea is Great
Cheerful Dragon Posted May 17, 1999
Traditionally, if someone suffered a shock (including the physical or medical variety) or upset, they were advised to sit down with a nice hot, sweet cup of tea.
According to a first-aider I once knew, this is excellent advice. The tea replaces any fluids that the body has lost, and the sugar counters any drop in the blood sugar level.
Note: Do NOT, under any circumstances, give ANYTHING to eat or drink to someone who has suffered an injury and may have to go to hospital and be operated on.
Why Tea is Great
a visitor to planet earth Posted Jan 27, 2008
I drink coffee first thing in the morning and after dinner, but during the day I like to drink tea. I find it a milder refreshing drink.
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