The Second Virtual Prez of h2g2: The Winner Is...

3 Conversations

The Road to Alabaster House
STAGE 1: Nominations
STAGE 2: Campaigning and Canvassing
STAGE 3: Voting
STAGE 4: The winner is...

STAGE 5: The Inauguration

Rumour, Scandal & possibly some News
RoundCandidateParty% Vote ShareVotes
1Joe CCampaign for No Votes0.00%0
2None of the AboveVoter Apathy0.481
3TerranPerfectly Normal Party0.96%2
4Darth ZaphodMurray the Sasquatch League1.443
5DragonqueenWhy worry? Dragons are born rulers2.42%5
6FordsParty Round My Place Party2.90%6
6MinaI haven't got time for this party2.90%6
7Black LeopardLemming Party4.37%9
8SerephinaThey're not people they're hippies!5.94%12
9ReddyfreddyI Vote For Me7.14%14
10Clive the Flying OstrichThingite Anarchocrats11.58%22
11JackThis is not a mad take-over scheme13.66%25

3rd place: Gnomon 22.29% 37 votes

2nd place: 2legs 22.89% 38 votesPRESIDENT: Hypatia 54.82% 91 votes

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