A Conversation for Numbers
|R| = |P(N)|
HippieChick Posted Nov 19, 2000
Again, I posted stuff that didn't go through. I was in error. Aleph-0 is indeed the cardinality of the natural numbers. Aleph-1 is the cardinality of the power set of the rational numbers, which as your proof shows, is also the same as the real numbers. The odd unprovable, undisprovable hypothesis that I meant to refer to was the hypothesis that there is no set of cardinality less than aleph-1 and greater than aleph-0.
|R| = |P(N)|
HenryS Posted Nov 20, 2000
Yeah, thats the weird one. All those consistency proofs sound very cool, but I suspect the actual doing of the course you'd need to get there is rather icky. Well someone must like doing that stuff, I'm more into visual inspired bits of maths
the great number circle
Calculator Nerd 256 Posted Mar 8, 2003
i think every number we use is modulo infinity, therefore infinity is congruent to negative infinity
therefore instead of an imaginary number plane, we have a torus, since a periodic plane is a torus
also, time is periodic, as are all other spatial dimensions
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|R| = |P(N)|
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