A Conversation for Numbers


Post 1


Dont't believe in it. If it exists then can you please show me the map and to what scale will it be drawn to. And I've lost another biro.


Post 2


Don't believe in it? It's a concept. It's not meant to be a thing, any more than the number seven is an actual thing. If you can point out a seven somewhere in the wild, in its natural habitat, then I'll find you an infinity. Nobody said that infinity is something to be held, looked at, or licked; it's merely an idea that exists in the minds of people that is extraordinarily useful for solving certain problems. And if you're asking me to find you an infinite number of things, you're missing the boat entirely, and don't grasp the concept fully. Infinity is NOT a number. Never has been, never will be.


Post 3


I reckon infinity is dead scary because it's absolutely everywhere, it's just that we'd go utterly loopy if we didn't filter it out. There's an infinity of infinities. An infinity of happiness, an infinity of sadness, our whole brain works of infinity as does the the rest of the world.


Post 4

Calculator Nerd 256

if there were an operator [] such that
a + b = a[1]b
a * b = a[2]b
a ^ b = a[3]b
a[c]b is recursive for a[c-1]a a b number of times
actually, my favorite notation for [] is a ^ with the number under it

if there were []
there are infinity[infinity]infinity infinities out there
smiley - geek>8^B

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