A Conversation for McDonald's

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 41

Existential Elevator

I'm not sure about England, but I still don't go to McD's there. Apparently (as my sources all say) the milkshake has mashed potato mix in it to make it thick.......ewwwwwwww

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 42

Josh, Mighty Keeper of the Towels

This is simply untrue! Well, at least in the U.S.

So, you're a fiction-writer. I, too, have the dreadful disposition of having to form every though into a story to fit it. Of course, it won't be so dreadful when the check comes in, eh?

Tips? Well, for one thing, don't give up on the old notebook and pen. A computer is good for getting the whole thing put together in an acceptable format, but a notebook is where all the good corrections, side-notes, and margin doodles come in (with a special emphasis on the margin doodles). Also, I find that reading a book during a project can be a mistake, as it sometimes affects your writing style from chapter to chapter. That said, one can always find music to fit one's particular writing style; I don't find that it interferes too much.

I hope I have been helpful, though I get the distinct feeling that you might have already known all of this. Anyway, I try my best.

Josh, Mighty Keeper of Towels

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 43

Existential Elevator

Josh, if you really don't think so, check out the link on the previous page........
Thanks for the tips, everything is usefull! Unfortunately doodles in the side of the margin for me end up being scribbles in the middle of the page, if I really don't know what to do next!
smiley - peacesign

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 44


Agree with subject - Flush it down the toilet and cut out the middleman!

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 45

Existential Elevator

Yay! Viva la revolution!!!! smiley - ok

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 46


Their burgers are so-so, but I love the fries. Other than that, ick. Once I had a Sprite there and it was totally flat. I didn't drink fountain Sprte for nearly a year after that!

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 47


i think u should wash tour towels.

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 48


i live in US and there are more Mcdonalds near me than any where else (i live near DC). All of their food is nasty, i dont know anyone who will eat there anymore.smiley - wah Noone who works there speaks any english except the dreaded "would you like fries with that?"smiley - erm

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