A Conversation for McDonald's

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 21

Researcher 194167

I think the food in mcdonalds is brilliant . my kids love it and so do i !

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 22

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*looks very confused*smiley - erm

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 23


I agree - I'm very confused...
What looks funny about the British Big Mac? It looks quite dull to me.


Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 24

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

It makes me feel ill just looking at itsmiley - erm Can't remember the last time I ate a beefburger.

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 25


Well, if you don't like beefburgers, that's fair enough.
I just want to know why, apparently, the British burgers look "funny". How do they look different to the ones in the rest of the world?


Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 26

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Well, I used to like them, but I went off them when I ate one in France and it actually tasted of meatsmiley - erm That's presumably why they look different.

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 27

Researcher 194616


Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 28

Researcher 194167

If you say that people will get mad cow disease by going to mcdonalds then why do you let your children eat the food ?

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 29

Existential Elevator

What annoys me is that none of the "vegetarian" food is vegitarian, even the fries: http://portal.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2002/06/06/cnmac06.xml&sSheet=/portal/2002/06/06/por_right.html

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 30


Sorry to butt in on your conversation, but if researcher 194167 and Researcher 194616 would go back to there own page and click on the "EDIT PAGE"button and write a little something about yourself , then an "ACE",(Assistant Community Editors), can come and welcome you there properly. Sorry for the interuption.smiley - oksmiley - cheers
( and by the way I think Mcd's are c**p)

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 31


If you were a vegetarian, why eat at McDonalds anyway? You'd still be funding their reign of terror, not to mention their animal butchery and rampant deforestation.

*Mr T hopes no scary libel lawyers are reading.*

So I've heard!

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 32

Existential Elevator

I totally agree, but then I'm a bit of a sheer left-winger on the extremely loud....

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 33

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

He he he...I'm a leftiesmiley - smiley

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 34

Existential Elevator

*breathes a sigh of relief at not being the only one*
I mean, I'm a veggie myself and I don't like fast food and I don't go anyway.IMHO the problem is that using beef products in supposedly vegetarian food is a really nasty insult to any Hindus, and very unfair.

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 35


I do know that in the UK, the chips, apple pies and vegetable patties are cooked in vegetable oil - it's just in much of the rest of the world that they're not. Presumably that's one of the reasons why whoever it was earlier on that said that UK McDonalds doesn't taste the same as in the rest of the world.

But I still wouldn't eat there if I were you - why not go to a chippy or Wimpy. Wimpy is good - you get knives, forks, plates and proper puddings!


Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 36

Researcher 194167

Just read ur reply . What do you mean that you would like me to write something about myself ??????

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 37

Existential Elevator

Researcher 194167- if you go to your personal space and post someting up there, a nice ACE will come and greet you and tell you how to use the site
* * *
If you follow the link I posted earlier, the vegetable oil apparently has beef produsts in it. That might just be America, though....oh well

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 38


'Vegetable' oil containing beef products?! Oh man!

Imagine biting into a nice apple, only to find that in fact it isn't an apple but the brain of a small calf. Wouldn't be very nice, would it?

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 39

Existential Elevator

That's why I'm rather annoyed......

Macdonalds is discusting and anyone who eats there is either insane or stupid.

Post 40


I don't blame you - it's terrible that that has happened in many parts of the world. But not in the UK, where the oil they use has always been made out of 100% rapeseed oil and partially hydrogenated anti-foaming agent DMPS (E900). Not that I know what that is, but it isn't meaty.


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