A Conversation for McDonald's


Post 1

Researcher 212718

Reason for McDonald becoming globalised.

Disturbingly interesting fact

Post 2


You know, in some countries, McDonald's is considered luxury dining? One of my friends went Egypt last year, to visit a friend. While he was there, his friend said he wanted to take him to a very special place for dinner, and they drove to: a McDonald's. overlooking the most beautiful, scenic part of the Nile. A McDonald's where you're waited on, they have marble floors, pillars, and walls, and you get served with china plates. A McDonald's where the burgers are served EXACTLY as you ordered them, no grease, just like at J. Alexander's. At first, he couldn't even believe whati t was, until their waiter said to them, "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"

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