A Conversation for Homework Matters

as a "child"...

Post 1


well, ok, a teenager. anyway, i would like to raise the point that not all homework must be done. while i will admit that i do nearly all of my homework, the only reason for this is because i want to keep my gpa (grade point avarage) high for colleges. if the grade recieved for the class doesnt matter, then nor does the majority of the homework. the main reson for this irrelevence is simple: homework is assigned unnecesarily. now i know that there are some students who require the extra practice, but for most students it is completely worthless; it only reviews what has already been taught and what is currently being reviewed in school.

er, i cant think of a strong conclusion. hmmm, maybe ill just restate my main point: homework doesnt always have to be done; most of the time it's just ex-school busy work.

i guess i should mention that i only have experience with the american school system, and it is possible that this doest apply to the UK. (here the general teaching system is: teach material, work on it for several days, concurrently assign homework for that material, then it starts over)

sorry about my spelling, it never seemed important to me

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as a "child"...

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