A Conversation for Homework Matters
Very good.
I'm not really here Started conversation Aug 16, 2001
nI quite liked this entry. It sort of explains why my son has been bringing homework home sice he was 4. As I think at 6 he is still too young to do it with all the other activities I see as just as important I tend to ignore it unless he tells me he wants to do it. there is time enough for homework when he has got more time between school and bedtime. By the the time he's had dinner, done his hour of activity and read his school books to me, there's not much time left for doing work that frankly his teacher should be doing with him, not me.
Very good.
Dan Posted Aug 16, 2001
A great entry. I have one son starting secondary school in September, and another starting primary. In secondary school in the UK (11-16/18 yrs old approx) homework is a major part of education and, frankly, I'm dreading it. My son, like me, has passionate interests (science and technology in his case, not mine) and anything else bores him stupid - so stupid that he really "can't" do fairly simple things if they don't interest him. I know the feeling and sympathise completely, but the work has to be done somehow so I'll try those tips.
I'd be happy to get rid of the telly completely to be honest (well maybe apart from the Formula 1 Grands Prix during the season), but it's one of those family habits which is so hard to break. Fortunately, soap operas in the UK are now on so often that many people are abandoning any attempt at keeping up with the storylines and switching off instead. Can only be a good thing.
"Television - the drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation", as the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy said so eloquently.
Homework. Dreadful stuff.
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Very good.
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