A Conversation for The Loving Bonsai
RIP my little bonsais
Metal Chicken Started conversation May 17, 2001
That's an excellent article for my next attempt at cultivating bonsai. I have tried the nursery-raised starter bonsai approach twice now. The first was a present but the person who gifted it to me forgot to water it between purchase and presentation and despite my tender nurturing it never recovered. My second attempt was more succesful and survived through a dormant winter and some inept training efforts - only to die while I was on holiday thanks to aforementioned guilt-ridden gift-giver being entrusted with temporary nursing care...
RIP my little bonsais
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted May 17, 2001
One of mine is also dying from a nasty fall it had off the Kitchen Table. I think it was MRs Peocock with the Rope...
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RIP my little bonsais
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